Marine, RV, Jeep & Truck Products E-commerce Business

Business Description

For sale is a $10M Rev/ $1M Profit, five-year-old, COVID-proof, steadily growing ecommerce business in the Marine, RV, Jeep & Truck products space.
The company has excellent brand recognition with many repeat customers. Sales are generated through the company website, Amazon, eBay, and Walmart- all with excellent ratings which outstrip competitors. Most of the business is automated, which creates opportunities to seamlessly add more products, more drop-shipping, thus increasing an already huge catalog, and utilizing a large customer list.

Having started the business with nothing except for the desire to succeed, the owners have worked hard over the years to overcome the hurdles, kinks and inefficiencies that are common to any new venture. By continuously improving business practices as well as customizing and systemizing processes they have succeeded in building an increasingly strong and profitable business, thus enabling a potential buyer to take over at an optimal time in the business’s progression.

Financial Overview

Asking Price: $2,700,000

Revenue: $10,000,000

Income: $1,000,000

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The listing is either pending or closed so the NDA cannot be signed